jayspace | art

I listen to the rain on the windows and feel my heart beat behind my ribs ♡

I've been drawing since I was a kid, but I found I really liked it when I got into high school, and I started drawing small colourful dogs doing the caramelldansen on everything. I guess it just spirals from there. This page will have a selection of pieces I'm proud of! Check my contacts page for links to anywhere I post art!

If you're interested in commissions, send me a DM through an account on my contact page, or send me an email with the gmail address at the bottom of the page♡ I'd be happy to discuss with you. I'll list some prices here :)

my apologies! comms currently unnavailable

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Birthday art for Distressedtape ♡

lineless, pattern background

Old site art!

clean lineart, simple shading, full colour

Artfight attack for Raynbow on Artfight

lineless, pattern background

Cute date ♡

sketch, flat colour, no bg

My ponysona!

cleaned sketch, simple/no shading (block colour example), no background

My gemsona!

sketch, no shading, block colour, no background

Axl Low

somewhat cleaned sketch, simple shading, no background (srry file size is so small this was on an aggie.io hehe)

Bunny OC clothes concept

sketch, simple shading, no background

Humanised/Trainer-ified Mew

cleaned sketch, shading, no background

PSG Sona concept

sketch, cel shading, no background

Furry art ♡

clean lineart, simple shading, pattern background

Some cool demon lady!!!

clean sketch, shading, no background

Dogboy OC Sae

sketch (somewhat cleaned), shading, no background

More Sae

sketch (somewhat cleaned), shading, simple background
